The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc.



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How Can Doctors Defend Against the Loss of Board Certification?

 Posted on July 19, 2024 in Professional License Defense

Chicago, IL board certification defense attorneyBoard certification serves as an important credential for medical professionals. Recognition by specialty boards such as the American Board of Family Medicine or the American Board of Internal Medicine demonstrate a medical professional’s knowledge, experience, and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of patient care. Losing board certification can have severe consequences, impacting a doctor's career, reputation, and ability to practice. An experienced attorney can help doctors and other medical professionals address legal issues that could lead to the loss of their board certification.

The Benefits of Board Certification

Doctors who are certified by specialty boards can benefit in many ways, including:

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How Should I Respond to a DEA Order to Show Cause?

 Posted on July 04, 2024 in DEA

Illinois DEA investigation defense attorneyMedical providers and pharmacists who handle controlled substances must comply with strict regulations to maintain registration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). If the DEA suspects that someone has committed violations such as unlawful prescribing or unlawful dispensing of controlled substances, it may perform an investigation. If the DEA believes that a person has violated the law or engaged in drug diversion, it may take action to suspend or revoke a controlled substance registration and issue an Order to Show Cause.

Understanding how to respond to such an order is crucial, since the loss of a DEA registration may affect a person’s ability to practice. An experienced attorney can provide representation in these situations, helping medical professionals take steps to defend against the loss of a controlled substance registration.

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How Should I Respond to a Medicare Conditional Payment Letter?

 Posted on June 29, 2024 in Medicare Liens

Chicago, IL Medicare lien attorneyMedicare benefits are crucial for many people, ensuring that they receive proper medical treatment. However, some people face situations where Medicare pays for certain treatments and then seeks repayment. A Conditional Payment Letter may be issued when Medicare has made payments for medical services that are later covered by a personal injury settlement or insurance claim. People who receive these letters may be concerned that Medicare liens may affect their ability to use the settlements they have received to address their ongoing needs. In these situations, an experienced attorney can help respond to Conditional Payment Letters and work to resolve these issues successfully.

When Will Medicare Issue Conditional Payment Letters?

In some situations, Medicare makes payments for medical services that should have been covered by another entity, such as an insurance company or a liable third party. These payments are termed "conditional," because Medicare expects to be reimbursed once the responsible party has been identified and compensation is received.

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When Can Home Inspectors or Appraisers Face Disciplinary Action?

 Posted on June 18, 2024 in Professional License Defense

Illinois home appraiser and inspector license defense lawyerDuring real estate transactions, accurate information and assessments of a property are crucial. Appraisers gather information used to estimate the value of a property, and home inspectors uncover potential concerns that buyers and sellers may need to address before a transaction can be completed. These professionals are subject to strict regulations, and failure to comply with legal and ethical requirements can lead to disciplinary action by the Illinois Real Estate Board. Understanding the reasons why appraisers and inspectors may be investigated and the potential disciplinary measures they may face is crucial to ensure that these professionals can avoid license discipline. If you are a home inspector or appraiser, our experienced real estate license defense attorney can help you defend your license and navigate the legal complexities involved in investigations and disciplinary hearings.

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When Can Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Face License Discipline?

 Posted on June 07, 2024 in Professional License Defense

Illinois medical marijuana license lawyerSince the state of Illinois legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use, many business owners have taken advantage of the available opportunities and opened dispensaries and other types of marijuana-related businesses. While these businesses can be lucrative opportunities, they face a number of restrictions and requirements.

Understanding the issues that could lead to discipline to a medical marijuana business license can be crucial. For those who face disciplinary action, an experienced attorney can provide legal help and representation, working to resolve these issues and ensure that a business can continue operating.

Grounds for Disciplinary Action for Marijuana Businesses

The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act details the requirements that apply to dispensaries that provide medical marijuana to approved patients and recreational cannabis products to adults. It also lists the grounds for discipline that may result in the denial of a license, a refusal to renew an existing license, a reprimand, the suspension or revocation of a license, or other forms of disciplinary action. These grounds include:

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How Can Pharmacies Prepare for Medicare/Medicaid Audits?

 Posted on May 30, 2024 in PBM Pharmacy Audits

Illinois pharmacy audit lawyerPharmacies play a crucial role in the healthcare system, providing essential medications and other products to patients. Because of the responsibilities pharmacies have toward their patients, they are subject to strict regulations. Failure to follow these regulations could affect a pharmacy’s ability to continue providing services to patients through Medicare or Medicaid.

The Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) regularly conducts audits of pharmacies to ensure that they are in compliance with the applicable regulations. Preparing for these audits is essential for pharmacies, since it can ensure that they will be able to avoid potential penalties that could limit the patients they can serve. An experienced attorney can help a pharmacy navigate these regulatory challenges and ensure that it is fully prepared for audits.

Office Audits vs. Field Audits

Understanding the types of audits that a pharmacy may face is the first step in preparation. There are two primary types of audits: office audits and field audits. Office audits are conducted remotely, and they typically involve the review of documentation submitted by the pharmacy. Auditors will request specific records and documents, which the pharmacy must provide within a set timeframe. These audits are generally less invasive than field audits, and they focus on verifying compliance through paperwork.

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4 Issues That May Affect a Nursing Home’s License

 Posted on May 21, 2024 in Professional License Defense

Illinois nursing home license defense attorneyNursing homes play a critical role in providing care to the elderly and those who are unable to fully care for themselves due to physical or mental disabilities. However, maintaining a nursing home license requires strict adherence to regulatory standards that are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. Failure to meet these standards can lead to severe consequences, including disciplinary actions, fines, or even license revocation. An attorney who has experience in matters related to nursing home license defense can provide effective legal representation for facilities that could face disciplinary action.

Common Reasons for Nursing Home Discipline

There are numerous issues that can trigger disciplinary actions against a nursing home. Some common concerns that may lead to investigations and discipline include:

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When Can a Physical Therapist Face Discipline to Their License?

 Posted on May 03, 2024 in Chiropractor/ Physical Therapist License Defense

Illinois physical therapist license defense lawyerPhysical therapists are trusted healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in the recovery and well-being of their patients. However, like all professionals, they are subject to strict regulatory standards, and they can face disciplinary action if they fail to follow these standards. Understanding the issues that can lead to license discipline is crucial for physical therapists.

Those who have been accused of unethical behavior or other violations will need to determine their options for responding to investigations by the Illinois Physical Therapy Licensing and Disciplinary Board and defending against disciplinary action. An experienced attorney can assist in defending against discipline and protecting a physical therapist’s license.

Common Reasons for Disciplinary Action Against Physical Therapists

Physical therapists can face discipline for a variety of reasons, including:

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How Can Malpractice Claims Affect an Illinois Medical License?

 Posted on April 30, 2024 in Medical License Defense

Illinois medical license protection lawyerThere are a variety of situations where doctors or other medical professionals may be accused of malpractice. A physician may be accused of providing substandard care, such as by failing to take the time to fully complete medical examinations, failing to order the right diagnostic tests, or misdiagnosing an illness or other medical condition. Malpractice claims can lead to disciplinary actions by the Illinois Medical Board, which could significantly affect a physician's career. In these situations, legal counsel from an experienced attorney can help a healthcare provider respond to accusations of malpractice and defend against discipline to their license or other potential consequences.

Understanding Malpractice Claims

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider deviates from the standard of care in the treatment of a patient, resulting in harm to the patient. Claims can arise from errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, or management of a health condition. A doctor or other medical provider may be accused of failing to properly consider symptoms reported by patients, failing to review a patient’s medical history, or multiple other violations of the standards of care that other professionals with the same level of education and experience would have followed in similar situations.

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Can the DEA Investigate Medical Professionals for Drug Conspiracy?

 Posted on April 16, 2024 in Medical License Defense

Illinois professional license defense attorneyThe power of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to investigate and prosecute medical professionals who are suspected of being involved in drug crimes is a critical issue that every healthcare provider should be aware of. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other medical professionals are entrusted with the responsibility to prescribe and dispense controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes. The DEA has the authority to investigate any suspicious activities related to drug diversion or drug trafficking

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