U.S. Licensing Attorney for DEA Investigations of Unlawful Dispensing of a Controlled Substance

Lawyer Assisting Medical Professionals Throughout the United States With Charges Affecting DEA Registrations
Many medical providers work with controlled substances on a regular basis, and these drugs are often provided to patients to treat a variety of medical conditions. In some cases, a provider may come under the scrutiny of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which will be looking to address concerns about drug diversion. Doctors or pharmacies may be accused of unlawfully dispensing controlled substances, and these allegations can lead to multiple different types of DEA enforcement actions, including the suspension or revocation of their controlled substance registration, as well as the loss of a state medical license or even criminal charges. During DEA investigations, providers can protect their rights by working with a lawyer who is experienced in cases involving controlled substances.
At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., our attorneys have represented hundreds of licensed professionals and helped them address issues that affect their DEA registration and their professional licenses. In addition to practicing pharmacy law, Attorney Joseph Bogdan is a registered pharmacist, and he has served as an expert witness in a wide variety of cases involving medical professionals, pharmacies, and controlled substances. With our understanding of the laws that apply to those who dispense controlled substances, we can provide the legal help you need to ensure that you can maintain your DEA registration and avoid other consequences.
Addressing Concerns About Dispensing Controlled Substances
Physicians may dispense controlled substances to patients from their offices, or pharmacies may fill prescriptions and dispense these drugs to patients. In many cases, the DEA will investigate a provider based on concerns that controlled substances are being dispensed without a valid medical reason or that a provider is not correctly following the requirements for implementing a prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP).
Pharmacies, in particular, are closely monitored by the DEA to ensure that they do not violate the Federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Some issues that could lead the DEA to investigate a pharmacy for unlawful dispensing and take action against their controlled substance registration include:
- Dispensing controlled substances to a person who does not have a prescription.
- Filling fraudulent prescriptions, including forged or counterfeit prescriptions or prescriptions that were altered after being issued by a doctor.
- Filling a prescription after it has been denied by another pharmacy.
- Filling prescriptions without checking patients' IDs or taking the proper measures to identify fake or forged ID cards.
- Filling a prescription for a patient that is in another patient's name.
- Failing to verify prescriptions that seem suspicious, including in cases where patients act agitated or evasive, request early refills of prescriptions, or show other signs of intoxication or chemical dependence.
- Failing to report prescriptions that appear to have been issued for illegitimate purposes, including cases where a prescriber issues more prescriptions for controlled substances than other providers in the area, a person travels a great distance to fill a prescription, the same provider issues similar prescriptions to multiple people within a short period of time, prescriptions are issued in unusual amounts or doses, or a provider issues prescriptions for antagonistic drugs, such as stimulants and depressants, at the same time.
Contact Our U.S. Controlled Substance Registration Defense Lawyers
Accusations that you have unlawfully dispensed controlled substances can affect nearly every area of your practice and your career. The suspension, revocation, or denial of your DEA registration may not only take away your ability to handle controlled substances, but it may also lead to the suspension or revocation of your medical license, as well as multiple other types of consequences that can threaten your practice. In these situations, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. is prepared to defend you against accusations that you have acted illegally, and we will provide you with representation to help you maintain your controlled substance registration and your medical license. Contact us today by calling our office at 630-310-1267 and scheduling a free consultation.