IDFPR Pharmacist Defense Attorney

Lawyer and Pharmacist for License Defense in the Chicago Illinois area and the U.S.
The Illinois Board of Pharmacy is a part of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). The ISFPR is the agency charged with licensing and regulating the roughly 20,000 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Illinois. When a pharmacist is having difficulty obtaining a license, is under investigation by the IDFPR, or is facing licensing discipline, it is important to speak with an experienced professional license defense attorney, so you understand your rights and options.
For over 16 years, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. has helped pharmacists in Illinois for all types of licensure issues; including but not limited to denied applications, IDFPR investigations, license disciplines, administrative Law issues, and similar matters. Our attorney, Attorney Bogdan, is a registered pharmacist with a Pharmaceutical Doctorate degree. He is also a board member of the Illinois Pharmacist Association.
Attorney Bogdan is frequently called as an expert witness in pharmacy-related cases, and he teaches Pharmacy Law at three different Chicago-area universities. Before going into private practice, Attorney Bogdan was a prosecutor for the IDFPR and the Chief of Pharmacy Prosecutions. His extensive medical background and in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of the IDFPR are major reasons many other firms come to him for consultation when handling these types of cases.
Common Illinois Board of Pharmacy Disciplinary Actions
Each year, countless pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are investigated by the IDFPR. Some of the common reasons include:
- Unprofessional/Unethical Conduct: Deceiving the public through falsified documents or other means, discrimination against a protected class, breach of confidentiality, sexual harassment, inappropriate relations with staff or patients, or actions outside the normal practice of a pharmacy.
- Diversion/Distribution of Controlled Substances: Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have access to substances that the public is only allowed to have with a prescription from a doctor. Many in the industry have been investigated by the DEA for illegally distributing controlled substances.
- Substandard/Negligent Pharmacy Practices: Frequent misfill errors in the amount or type(s) of substances provided or improper counsel given to patients.
- Substance Abuse: Intoxication that physically or mentally impairs their ability to perform to a minimum standard of care.
- Financial Irresponsibility: Failure to meet financial obligations such as paying rent, suppliers, and other vendors.
- Criminal Convictions: Convictions for serious criminal activities in which there was a plea of guilty or no contest and the time for appeal has expired. Most felonies and crimes of moral turpitude fall into this category.
- "Sister State" Complaints: Referrals for disciplinary action due to improper conduct in a neighboring state.
Call 630-310-1267 for Pharmacist License Defense
If you are a pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or pharmacy owner who is having trouble obtaining a license, is under investigation by the IDFPR, or is facing licensure suspension or revocation, it is important to act immediately to protect your career. Attorney Bogdan knows the common issues facing pharmacy professionals, and he understands how the other side operates and what actions are necessary to secure a successful outcome. For a free consultation with our office, contact us today at 630-310-1267.