IDFPR Chiropractor Defense Lawyer

License Defense Attorney for Chiropractors and Physical Therapists in Illinois and Throughout the Country
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) issues licenses and regulates chiropractors and physical therapists in Illinois through two separate divisions: the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board, and the Illinois Physical Therapy Licensing and Disciplinary Board. If you are having difficulty securing a license or are under investigation by the IDFPR, it can put your career in jeopardy. With so much on the line, it is best to consult with an experienced professional license defense attorney.
At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., we have helped countless chiropractors and physical therapists with licensing issues during our 16 plus years in practice, and we provide complete representation for licensed professionals, helping them address any legal issues that may threaten their careers. Joseph Bogdan is both an attorney and a registered pharmacist with extensive medical and legal experience. Attorney Bogdan is a board member of the Illinois Pharmacist Association, obtained a Pharmaceutical Doctorate degree, and teaches Pharmacy Law at three colleges in the Chicago area.
Before going into private practice, Attorney Bogdan was a prosecutor for the IDFPR as well as the former Chief of Pharmacy Prosecutions. During that time, he learned the inner workings of the agency, their procedures, and how they typically handle complaints and investigations against professional licensees. He puts his in-depth experience to work to position his clients for the most favorable outcome possible. This is a major reason Attorney Bogdan is highly sought after not only by health care professionals in need of assistance but also by other attorneys who need help handling cases in this area of the law.
IDFPR Disciplinary Process for Chiropractors and Physical Therapists
The IDFPR receives thousands of complaints each year against licensed professionals. The majority of these complaints come from consumers, though some originate from other Illinois state agencies or agencies in sister states. Common reasons for complaints against chiropractors and physical therapists include:
- Unethical/Unprofessional Conduct
- Substandard Care
- Mental/Physical Impairment Due to Substance Abuse
- Misleading or False Advertising
- Breach of Confidentiality of Patient Records
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct
- Financial Irresponsibility
- "Sister State" Complaints
- Criminal Convictions
When a complaint is received and reviewed, if it is determined to have merit, it may be investigated. During an investigation, the professional is often asked to provide additional information in writing, or in some cases, be interviewed by the investigator. If, during the investigation, enough evidence is found to suggest misconduct, IDFPR could file a formal complaint or a Disciplinary Conference may be scheduled. The result of the Disciplinary Conference may be a settlement or a consent agreement with the IDFPR. If no settlement is reached, a formal complaint may be filed, which could lead to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Complaints and disciplinary action could also lead to other issues, such as loss of provider status with insurance companies.